VSN offers a vast array of aggregated and curated news headlines via our Mastodon portals The CannaClub VS, Grateful Dread Sets, and Rest In Paradise obits. If you don’t have a Fediverse account, enjoy some of VSN’s most recent Mastodon postings below:
(Looking for an instance to join? Consider TheCannaClub.social, the new community we finally are building!)
VSN Newswire presents the Diverse Spectrum of the Left in news, culture, arts, and more. We hope the result will be more informed citizens — and that furthermore, they’ll help build a green new world.
Rest in Paradise posts the latest US and world obituaries. We offer condolences to all in mourning and honor every person lost, because every death diminishes our human family.
The CannaClub has up-to-the-minute cannabis news, culture, and resource information. What’s more, the ulterior motive is community building and public health. We do it for a world finally waking to the wonders of a plant.
Grateful Dread Sets offers counterculture info, lifestyle stories, arts and music grooviness, and a little lefty news. It’s also home for our own musical kyndmix set playlists. We hope you’ll find it informative, colorful, diverse, and tuneful. The goal is to spread our brand of Revolutionary Love, reminding everyone: Without a doubt, there ain’t no time to hate. We want to be part of the mix that results in a green new world.
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